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ChiroThin Weight Loss Program
So, here’s the skinny on losing weight with our Fully Doctor Supervised Weight Loss Program
1. Our Weight Loss Program has a name. It is called ChiroThin™.
2. The ChiroThin™ program includes a natural dietary supplement. Its formula, developed by ChiroNutraceutical, contains a host of nutritional ingredients that are well known to aid in fatty acid transportation, fatty acid metabolism, and blood sugar stabilization, as well as increase metabolism and detoxification.
3. When ChiroThin™ is combined with healthy and specific amounts of anti-inflammatory foods with a low glycemic index, your body will be more efficient at converting stored fat into energy.
4. In general, our ChiroThin™ program allows the body to more efficiently metabolize fat and use it as energy when an individual consumes fewer calories than he or she burns in a given period of time.
5. ChiroNutraceutical specially designed the ChiroThin™ formula to include specific amounts of amino acids, vitamins, and cell salts for further added benefits.
6. Additionally, the ChiroThin™ Doctor Supervised Weight Loss Program includes dietary and behavioral modification guidance, as well as a strategy to help maintain sustained long-term weight loss.
7. The ChiroThin™ Program is doctor supervised. As a participant you will have a follow-up visit with the supervising doctor on a weekly basis. During these doctor-patient encounters, you will answer questions regarding your overall health, your adherence to the program, and any struggles or challenges you may be experiencing. We give you the answers and solutions. You are then weighed, receive an 8-point body measurement, and your blood pressure is taken. Doctors use this data to calculate your BMI (body mass index). Based on all of this information, you are then given detailed information and instruction as it pertains to what you need to do for the upcoming week.
There’s lots more information. These 7 points are only the skinniest of the skinny.
If you have questions we have answers.
Call today on 940-239-9202 And reserve a time to come to my office for a free, private weight loss consultation. You’ve got nothing to lose - except the weight.
Dr. Mark Darner DC, DACNB, FASA
Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist
American Chiropractic Neurology Board
INJECTION - IV THERAPY- Intramuscular and Intravenous injections for optimized living.
Chiropractic visits may include spinal, extremity, or full body manipulation of joints to releive compression of nerves, tendons and ligaments.
Massage Therapy
Massage may include effluerage, kneading, petrisage and tapotement of the body to improve muscle tone, circulation and lymphatlic drainage. Therapy may also include applicaion of suction cupping, heat, cold, and other streaching and tissue manipulation techniques.
Chiropractic Dry Needling
Acupuncture, more specifically Chiropractic Dry Needling is introduction of needles in a region body part for releif of pain, promotion of recovery and healing to injured areas of the body.
Specialized Therapies utilizing special technologies and modalities otherwise not categorized
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